Trzymaj się swoich łupów, ponieważ największa aktualizacja gry roku pojawiła się na PC, Xbox i PlayStation! Uwierz nam, gdy mówimy, że na zawsze zmieni to Twoje przygody w DayZ. Zanim zabierzesz się jednak, chcielibyśmy podziękować wszystkim, na PC i Xbox którzy uczestniczyli w fazie eksperymentalnej update i za ich komentarze . To naprawdę bardzo nam pomogło! Przejdźmy teraz do aktualizacji.
Wprowadzamy nowy rodzaj pasywnego zagrożenia dla środowiska — obszary skażone . Obszary te występują w dwóch wariantach: statycznym i dynamicznym . Obszary statyczne mają za zadanie blokować łupy z wyższych poziomów, podczas gdy obszary dynamiczne sprawiają, że świat jest bardziej dynamiczny. Ciężko pracowaliśmy, aby Twoje wrażenia były jak najbardziej wciągające dzięki różnym efektom wizualnym / dźwiękowym. Obszary te w końcu wykorzystają już obecny sprzęt NBC, taki jak kombinezony i maski przeciwgazowe. Jeśli ktokolwiek wejdzie na te obszary nieprzygotowany, stanie przed najgroźniejszą chorobą, jaką kiedykolwiek wdrożyliśmy.
Wszyscy zwolennicy przetrwania w dziczy z radością dowiedzą się, że dodaliśmy pułapki łowieckie . Obejmuje to większą pułapkę na ryby, małą pułapkę z butelki na ryby i pułapkę z wnyk. Każda pułapka jest w stanie złapać własne unikalne zwierzę w zależności od tego, gdzie jest umieszczona pułapka i jaki rodzaj przynęty jest używany. Dodaliśmy również nową pułapkę — the tripwire — ulubioną przez wszystkich pułapkę, na którą można się natknąć w najbardziej niechcianych sytuacjach.
Miejsca, w których dochodzi do katastrofy śmigłowców, cieszą się od dawna zainteresowaniem . Rosyjska strona otrzymała znaczącą aktualizację modelu, wraz z dodaniem cząsteczki dymu, która jest teraz widoczna z większej odległości. Każde miejsce katastrofy helikoptera wydaje teraz dźwięk słyszalny z daleka, ostrzegając w ten sposób każdego w pobliżu. Zwiększyliśmy również szanse na znalezienie rzadkiego łupu na tych stronach.
Nasz dział animacji przygotował nowy zestaw animacji do karabinów bullpup . To pozwoliło nam wprowadzić pierwszy w DayZ – karabin szturmowy LE-MAS ! Ten egzotycznie wyglądający karabin szturmowy wykorzystuje amunicję 5,56x45mm w unikalnym 25-nabojowym magazynku i oferuje ostrzał pojedynczy, seryjny i automatyczny. Pytasz, dlaczego zdecydowaliśmy się skupić na tym karabinie, a nie na bullpup, który jest obecny w starszej wersji DayZ? Niestety, wszystkie zasoby broni ze starszej wersji muszą zostać przerobione, podczas gdy LE-MAS został stworzony z myślą o nowym systemie animacji.

Ta aktualizacja zawiera wiele zmian, które zostały wprowadzone dla naszej utalentowanej społeczności modów. Upewnij się, że zapoznałeś się z kompletnymi uwagami dotyczącymi zmian ( PC , konsole ), aby poznać wszystkie szczegóły. Poza tym dystrybucja serwerów Linux weszła w eksperymentalną fazę rozwoju. Chociaż nie jesteśmy jeszcze gotowi, aby wdrożyć go w stabilnej gałęzi, chcielibyśmy podziękować wszystkim, którzy już przekazali opinie z własnych testów serwera na swoich maszynach z systemem Linux.
A jeśli wszystko, o czym już wspomnieliśmy, wciąż nie wystarcza, podnieśliśmy również limit FPS dla wszystkich naszych graczy na PlayStation 5 do 60 klatek na sekundę !
PC Update 1.14 – Version 1.14.154228
Consider using the Steam client option to verify the integrity of the local game cache to avoid corrupted data after downloading this update.
Consider de-fragmenting your HDD after downloading large updates.
In case of problems, please check the Bohemia Interactive support F.A.Q., DayZ F.A.Q., or BattlEye F.A.Q.
You can help us to further improve the game by posting your feedback on the Feedback Tracker.
Static and dynamically spawning contaminated areas
Contamination disease
Exhaustible gas mask filter
LE-MAS assault rifle and magazine
NV-PVS4 Scope
New visual effects when wearing specific headgear
A yellow variant of the NBC suit
PO-X Antidote
NBC infected
Field hospital at the North-East Airfield (Chernarus)
Field hospital at the Lukow Airfield (Livonia)
Craftable Tripwire
Craftable Fishnet trap
Craftable Small fish trap
Craftable Snare trap
New animal carcasses (can be picked up):
Hare leg and pelt
New animation for the stealth kill when using one-handed piercing weapons
Mackerel was incorrectly placed in hands
The ground in specific structures would hide mines and bear traps
Noise from rolling on the ground would not alert infected
A previously extinguished fireplace would start to glow again when fuel was added
Garden plots could appear floating in specific cases (
The brooms resembled the wrong material when hit
Brooms could be used to open cans (
Texture of damaged tactical goggles wasn’t displayed (
The placing hologram was not displayed properly inside the guardhouse
It was possible to damage a prone player by hitting a nearby wall (
The character would turn towards a target it was not targeting during melee combat
Player turning towards the first target it hit instead of the new target during melee combat (
Player turning towards the middle point of the target instead of the hit position during melee combat (
Player choosing to step forward when they are close enough to the target during melee combat (excludes certain animations such as bare fists)
Bear and cow were not receiving damage when the player melees them in the face with bare fist or one-handed weapon
Field transceiver simulated the wrong weight when thrown
In several situations, sounds outside of the audible range would start from the beginning, regardless of how long the sound had been playing
Removed push-back effect from explosions for the player
Wind effect was enabled in the inventory item previews
The foliage could provide cover from explosions (
Several Spanish letters were not properly capitalized
AI could spawn in inaccessible locations
Added missing collisions on the small ATC railing
Added missing bed in the large medical tent
One type of weapon reload was not functional while lying on the back
Emptying animation was canceled when executed over water
Removing materials from the Truck or base building objects via the widget could result in desync (
When a server was picked in the server browser while the list was still loading, the server could move out of the player’s sight
Players did not cough when aiming with a weapon or lying on their backs (,
Grenade explosions would not reach all items throughout containers and attachments
Rags and Bandages kept their disinfected status after being used to craft a Fireplace or Torch
It was problematic to damage the M3S truck engine or find the widget to repair it
Wooden crates could be accessed through walls (,
Mushrooms did not decay properly
AB- blood type wasn’t properly displayed (,
Exploit that allowed extended range of melee attacks
Restraining a player could interrupt the actions of other users in the surrounding area (
When drinking from a pot in a prone position, the wrong animation would be played
When splitting an M3S double wheel, the two wheels would spawn inside each other
An empty gasoline canister would have the wrong weight after relog (
Names of 45rnd KA-74 Mag and 60rd Standardized Mag were displayed with lower-case letters when on the ground (
Fixed some flawed building occluders
Fixed some bad object LODs
Hold breath “out of breath” sound effects were not working for some character models
Flash grenade was not blinding in the vicinity enough
Faster recovery from unconsciousness that was not induced by a projectile hit (
Doors that were locked on the server are showing as open on the client, making them impossible to open
ATOG 6x Scope was having a rendering issue when observed from close distance
9x39mm ammo boxes would yield only 10 shots instead of 20
Decay texture was missing on some dead player models
Attached flags and camo nets weren’t properly displayed in the inventory
Rangefinder and binoculars could not be used after using night vision goggles
Night vision optics would spawn badly rotated
Volume of the megaphone was not tied to the regular audio settings (
Wheels did not change their texture when ruined by land mines or crashes
Removing the last attachment from a fireplace would delete said item
Quilted jacket was sometimes not visible in the inventory vicinity (
Combining matches would leave an empty box on the ground
Attempted fix for a prevalent game crash related to the audio system
The stealth kill sometime failed to kill an infected (
Player could shrink into a ball during certain animation transitions ( – private)
Wearing a gas mask slows down stamina regeneration
Gas masks now prevent the wearer from eating, drinking, and taking pills
Gas masks can now be repaired with epoxy putty and the tire repair kit
The NBC respirator and the Gas Mask require Gas Mask filters to function
The Combat Gas Mask has a limited, integrated, non-exchangeable filter
Improved visual quality of the Combat Gas Mask
Improved visual quality of the bear
Increased the armor of the bear
Removed spawn points that were too close to the static contaminated areas
Improved targeting of melee combat to be more forgiving
Tweaked the look of the Russian helicopter crash-site
Helicopter crash-sites now emit sounds upon spawn in the surrounding area
Tweaked the smoke quality of crash sites to make them more visible
Adjusted collision geometry of the Machete
Horticulture plants are now moving in the wind
Cholera now causes fever
Food poisoning now causes fatigue
Salmonella now causes light pain
Night-time acceleration period adjusted to only influence actual night-time
Reduced the size of the NBC clothing when stored in the inventory
NBC clothing can now also be repaired with the tire repair kit
It is no longer possible to build a stone oven if it would be clipping with a large item
Two-handed and non-piercing weapons are no longer suitable for stealth attacks
Names of servers will only show once the server browser is done loading and it is possible to connect
The flash grenade uses a stronger light that lasts longer than that of regular fragmentation grenades
The overheating effect of firearms appears later
Boiled food will no longer burn from boiling
Baked and dried food can be boiled without burning
Damage of melee weapons is significantly lowered when they enter the ruined state
The mackerel now yields two fillets
Adjusted the mackerel filet model
Water in fountains and metal troughs is now visual only
Updated the credits
Added: New ContaminatedArea usage flag
Fixed: Typo in spawning presets SodaCan_Franta -> SodaCan_Fronta
Fixed: Rify ship wreck loot spawn points
Fixed: The infected zone definition inside cfgEventSpawns.xml is now properly read (previously it was ignored and used default values)
Fixed: randomloot_deloot_perevent now properly overrides the amount of DE Loot per container per event
Changed: Spawning of high-value items across dynamic events, contaminated areas, and T4 areas
Changed: High tier weapons are not limiting spawning anymore, when stored in storage
Changed: DELoot is now correctly randomized
Changed: init_random on static dynamic event now properly randomizes nominal value between min and max parameters (nominal can be set to 0 in such case)
Changed: The Woodland ghillie color now varies across maps
Chernarus now spawns only mossy variants
Livonia spawns woodland variants
Tweaked: Ammo Boxes now spawn with random ammunition packs inside
Tweaked: Increased the maximum number of items that can spawn on a helicopter crash event by 50%
Added: Documentation on the configuration of contaminated areas:
Added: Warning messages when the LootMax of a DE is higher than the sum of LootMax of its containers
Added: When log_ce_dynamicevent is enabled, it will now print to RPT what loot was spawned (when RPT logging is enabled)
Fixed: Kick message for a player exceeding max ping was not showing in any log files (now in the server RPT)
Changed: Improved the printing of possible loot items to RPT for DE when log_ce_dynamicevent and RPT logging is enabled (they now say what category they belong to)
Changed: Updated the Offline DB
Changed: NoPause parameter changed from simple check box to combo box to reflect the new options
Added: Post-process manager
Added: Selected player modifiers can now be synchronized with the client
Added: New config parameter invertHitDir for melee ammo allowing to invert heavy hit animation
Added: float.MIN and float.MAX (
Added: array.Reserve
Added: Script enums for constant values that were defined in C++ and not visible in script (ObjIntersect, VoiceEffectType, VoiceLevel, ChatChannelType)
Added: CGame.IsBoxCollidingGeometryProxy and associate classes (
Added: Object.GetDirectionUp and Object.GetDirectionAside
Added: DayZPlayer.GetCurrentCameraTransform (
Added: HumanCommandMelee2.GetComboCount to know the current number of the melee combo
Added: DayZPlayerImplement.IsInThirdPerson
Added: Events that signal simulation being enabled or disabled (OnSimulationEnabled(), OnSimulationDisabled())
Added: “transferToAttachmentsCoef” to “DamageSystem” -> “GlobalHealth” -> “Health” in config to set up transferring of damage to attachments
Added: Implementation of FindEntityByID to script API
Added: ModFloat, RemainderFloat, SignFloat, SignInt to Math script API
Added: Ignore parent pitch to PlayerCameraResult
Added: Support for reading files from the mission folder by using “$mission:”
Added: SetCollisionSphere, SetCollisionCylinder, SetTriggerShape, GetTriggerShape to ScriptedEntity for triggers
Added: IntersectSphereCone, IntersectSphereBox, IntersectWholeSphereCone, IntersectCylinderOBB, IntersectRayCylinder to Math3D
Added: IsInRange, IsInRangeInt, IsPointInCircle, IsPointInRectangle to Math
Added: CylinderTrigger and SphereTrigger
Added: OnEnterTrigger and OnLeaveTrigger to an object that gets called when an object enters a trigger
Added: Constants in GameConstants for car contact event
Added: SEffectManager.GetCachedSoundParam to store and/or get SoundParams
Added: SEffectManager.PlaySoundParams to play a sound with cached SoundParams
Added: SoundParams.GetName, which will return the name of the sound set inside the SoundParams
Added: AbstractWaveEvents.Event_OnSoundWaveHeaderLoaded, which will fire when the header for a sound finishes loading
Added: Option to set parameters for player sound events at the time of requesting a specific event
Added: GetSceneHDRMul (camera)
Added: CEApi.AvoidPlayer, CEApi.AvoidVehicle and CEApi.CountPlayersWithinRange
Added: Ignore parent yaw to PlayerCameraResult
Added: DumpStackString function (
Fixed: Error: muzzleFlashParticle error when firing SVD (
Fixed: CGame.ObjectModelToWorld and CGame.ObjectWorldToModel giving inaccurate results in certain scenarios
Fixed: IEntity.GetBoundBox and Object.GetDirection giving inaccurate results for proxies
Fixed: Crash when calling dBodySetInteractionLayer/dBodySetGeomInteractionLayer/dBodyGetInteractionLayer/dBodyGetGeomInteractionLayer on certain objects
Fixed: Crash when spawning a weapon that has no skeleton (“[ERROR] :: Weapon ‘TYPENAME’ has no skeleton!!!”)
Fixed: Crash when trying to call “Cast” where it’s not supported
Fixed: Triggers not working properly when exceeding a certain size
Fixed: ScriptCompiler: XOR operator parsing fix
Fixed: Several compiler issues (,,
Fixed: Human.GetCollisionBox giving highly inaccurate results in certain scenarios (crouch, prone, swim, vehicle)
Fixed: AddHealth not applying when the total went over the maximum
Fixed: dGetGravity script implementation
Fixed: EOnInit not being called for anything lower than EntityAI when created through CreateObjectEx
Fixed: Script JSON reader can now read JSON bool
Fixed: A performance issue related to sounds created from script
Fixed: Ignore parent pitch inside PlayerCameraResult
Fixed: A crash when terminating the app while closing a file in a destructor of a static ref (
Changed: The old static ‘PPEffects’ has been deprecated, but it is still initialized and usable
Changed: HumanCommandMelee2.ContinueCombo and Human.StartCommand_Melee2 now take additional parameters
Changed: DayZPlayerImplementMeleeCombat overhaul (
Changed: EnMath.c cleanup and additional functions
Changed: DayZGame.SetMissionPath is now called from C++
Changed: Building script inheritance -> “class House” should now be used by every “House” defined in config and is moddable
Changed: Moved DayZPlayerTypeCreate into class, so the function can be modified (
Changed: ShockRefill logic moved to ShockMdfr
Changed: ModelToWorld and WorldToModel reverted to the previous state (
Tweaked: FModulus now returns Math.ModFloat as FModulus has been DEPRECATED in favor of the native ModFloat method
Tweaked: Gas Mask Filter texture has been separated from the Gas Mask texture
Optimized: Notifier update loop and notifier fetching sped up
Update 1.14 Patch 1: Version 1.14.154258 (Released on 19.10.2021)
Contaminated area safe position was located in a rock on Chernarus
Fixed: An error was thrown when specifying no PPERequesterType is cfgEffectArea
Fixed: Effect areas personal particles needed ContaminatedTrigger to work
Console Update 1.14 – Version 1.14.154202 (Released on 29.09.2021)
In case of problems, please check the Bohemia Interactive support F.A.Q., DayZ F.A.Q., or BattlEye F.A.Q.
You can help us to further improve the game by posting your feedback on the Feedback Tracker.
Static and dynamically spawning contaminated areas
Contamination disease
Exhaustible gas mask filter
LE-MAS assault rifle and magazine
NV-PVS4 Scope
New visual effects when wearing specific headgear
A yellow variant of the NBC suit
PO-X Antidote
NBC infected
Field hospital at the North-East Airfield (Chernarus)
Field hospital at the Lukow Airfield (Livonia)
Craftable Tripwire
Craftable Fishnet trap
Craftable Small fish trap
Craftable Snare trap
New animal carcasses (can be picked up):
Hare leg and pelt
New animation for the stealth kill when using one-handed piercing weapons
Xbox set to pt-BR was not always displaying Portuguese text
PlayStation was sometimes not showing Portuguese language when pt-BR was selected as local
Subtitles in the introduction video were not translated into pt-BR
Materials attached to base building objects had arrows indicating that additional actions were possible when they weren’t
Logs attached to the watchtower kit could not be picked back up
Mackerel was incorrectly placed in hands
The ground in specific structures would hide mines and bear traps
Noise from rolling on the ground would not alert infected
A previously extinguished fireplace would start to glow again when fuel was added
Garden plots could appear floating in specific cases (
The brooms resembled the wrong material when hit
Brooms could be used to open cans (
Texture of damaged tactical goggles wasn’t displayed (
The placing hologram was not displayed properly inside the guardhouse
It was possible to damage a prone player by hitting a nearby wall (
The character would turn towards a target it was not targeting during melee combat
Player turning towards the first target it hit instead of the new target during melee combat (
Player turning towards the middle point of the target instead of the hit position during melee combat (
Player choosing to step forward when they are close enough to the target during melee combat (excludes certain animations such as bare fists)
Bear and cow were not receiving damage when the player melees them in the face with bare fist or one-handed weapon
Field transceiver simulated the wrong weight when thrown
In several situations, sounds outside of the audible range would start from the beginning, regardless of how long the sound had been playing
Removed push-back effect from explosions for the player
Wind effect was enabled in the inventory item previews
The foliage could provide cover from explosions (
Several Spanish letters were not properly capitalized
AI could spawn in inaccessible locations
Added missing collisions on the small ATC railing
Added missing bed in the large medical tent
One type of weapon reload was not functional while lying on the back
Emptying animation was canceled when executed over water
Removing materials from the Truck or base building objects via the widget could result in desync (
Players did not cough when aiming with a weapon or lying on their backs (,
Grenade explosions would not reach all items throughout containers and attachments
Rags and Bandages kept their disinfected status after being used to craft a Fireplace or Torch
It was problematic to damage the M3S truck engine or find the widget to repair it
Wooden crates could be accessed through walls (,
Mushrooms did not decay properly
AB- blood type wasn’t properly displayed (,
Exploit that allowed extended range of melee attacks
Restraining a player could interrupt the actions of other users in the surrounding area (
When drinking from a pot in a prone position, the wrong animation would be played
When splitting an M3S double wheel, the two wheels would spawn inside each other
An empty gasoline canister would have the wrong weight after relog (
Names of 45rd KA-74 Mag and 60rd Standardized Mag were displayed with lower-case letters when on the ground (
Fixed some flawed building occluders
Fixed some bad object LODs
Hold breath “out of breath” sound effects were not working for some character models
Flash grenade was not blinding in the vicinity enough
Faster recovery from unconsciousness that was not induced by a projectile hit (
Doors that were locked on the server are showing as open on the client, making them impossible to open
ATOG 6x Scope was having a rendering issue when observed from close distance
Decay texture was missing on some dead player models
The player is unable to close the fireplace inventory after opening it with something inside
Splitting an item could cause a game crash
Removing the last attachment from a fireplace would delete said item
Quilted jacket was sometimes not visible in the inventory vicinity (
Combining matches would leave an empty box on the ground
9x39mm ammo boxes would yield only 10 shots instead of 20
Attached flags and camo nets weren’t properly displayed in the inventory
Rangefinder and binoculars could not be used after using night vision goggles
Night vision optics would spawn badly rotated
Volume of the megaphone was not tied to the regular audio settings (
Wheels did not change their texture when ruined by land mines or crashes
Increased the FPS limit on PlayStation 5 consoles to 60
Wearing a gas mask slows down stamina regeneration
Gas masks now prevent the wearer from eating, drinking, and taking pills
Gas masks can now be repaired with epoxy putty and the tire repair kit
The NBC respirator and the Gas Mask require Gas Mask filters to function
The Combat Gas Mask has a limited, integrated, non-exchangeable filter
Improved visual quality of the Combat Gas Mask
Improved visual quality of the bear
Removed spawn points that were too close to the static contaminated areas
Improved targeting of melee combat to be more forgiving
Tweaked the look of the Russian helicopter crash-site
Helicopter crash-sites now emit sounds upon spawn in the surrounding area
Tweaked the smoke quality of crash sites to make them more visible
Adjusted collision geometry of the Machete
Horticulture plants are now moving in the wind
Cholera now causes fever
Food poisoning now causes fatigue
Salmonella now causes light pain
Night-time acceleration period adjusted to only influence actual night-time
Reduced the size of the NBC clothing when stored in the inventory
NBC clothing can now also be repaired with the tire repair kit
It is no longer possible to build a stone oven if it would be clipping with a large item
Two-handed and non-piercing weapons are no longer suitable for stealth attacks
Names of servers will only show once the server browser is done loading and it is possible to connect
The flash grenade uses a stronger light that lasts longer than that of regular fragmentation grenades
The overheating effect of firearms appears later
Boiled food will no longer burn from boiling
Baked and dried food can be boiled without burning
Damage of melee weapons is significantly lowered when they enter the ruined state
The mackerel now yields two fillets
Adjusted the mackerel filet model
Water in fountains and metal troughs is now visual only
Increased the armor of the bear
Increased the brightness of the flare gun light
Updated the credits
Added: New ContaminatedArea usage flag
Fixed: Typo in spawning presets SodaCan_Franta -> SodaCan_Fronta
Fixed: Rify ship wreck loot spawn points
Fixed: The infected zone definition inside cfgEventSpawns.xml is now properly read (previously it was ignored and used default values)
Fixed: randomloot_deloot_perevent now properly overrides the amount of DE Loot per container per event
Fixed: Village house 2w01 was not spawning any loot on Livonia (
Changed: Spawning of high-value items across dynamic events, contaminated areas, and T4 areas
Changed: High tier weapons are not limiting spawning anymore, when stored in storage
Changed: DELoot is now correctly randomized
Changed: init_random on static dynamic event now properly randomizes nominal value between min and max parameters (nominal can be set to 0 in such case)
Changed: The Woodland ghillie color now varies across maps
Chernarus now spawns only mossy variants
Livonia spawns woodland variants
Tweaked: Slightly increased the amount of Tier 1 food
Tweaked: Ammo Boxes now spawn with random ammunition packs inside
Tweaked: Increased the maximum number of items that can spawn on a helicopter crash event by 50%
Added: Documentation on the configuration of contaminated areas:
Added: for private Nitrado console servers
Console Update 1.14 Hotfix 1
Xbox Update 1.14 Hotfix 1: Version 1.14.154243 (Released on 04.10.2021)
Attempted fix for a prevalent game crash related to the audio system
LE-MAS was missing reload sounds in the prone stance (
The stealth kill sometime failed to kill an infected (
Player could shrink into a ball during certain animation transitions ( – private)
Adjusted the inventory preview of deployed fish traps
PlayStation 1.14 Patch 1: Version 1.14.154273 (Released on 14.10.2021)
Contaminated area safe position was located in a rock on Chernarus
Attempted fix for a game freeze on the PS4
LE-MAS was missing reload sounds in the prone stance (
The stealth kill sometime failed to kill an infected (
Player could shrink into a ball during certain animation transitions ( – private)
Adjusted the inventory preview of deployed fish traps
Fixed: An error was thrown when specifying no PPERequesterType is cfgEffectArea
Xbox 1.14 Patch 1: Version 1.14.154258 (Released on 19.10.2021)
Contaminated area safe position was located in a rock on Chernarus
Fixed: An error was thrown when specifying no PPERequesterType is cfgEffectArea