Eksperymentalne wydanie Dayz 1.21 – Średniowieczna aktualizacja i powrót kuszy!


Z radością ogłaszamy rozpoczęcie okresu eksperymentalnego  aktualizacji gry 1.21! Mamy naprawdę interesujący motyw dla tej aktualizacji. Tym razem przenosimy się cofamy się do  średniowiecza !

Jednym z nowych dodatków, które wprowadzamy, jest  kusza  — pierwsza w historii DayZ broń sprężynowa. Może ładować różne strzały i być wyposażona w wiele celowników i lunet. Starsi gracze mogą pamiętać, że ten model pierwotnie miał kołczan, cechę, którą postanowiliśmy odrzucić, aby skupić się na zachowaniu bełtów. Naszym celem jest sprawienie, by pociski można było odzyskać, a także podnieść je z każdej trafionej istoty. Właściwości balistyczne pocisków, wraz z możliwością ich odzyskania, to najbardziej złożone części kuszy i jesteśmy ciekawi, jak zachowują się one na serwerach publicznych. 

Chociaż sama kusza może nie być ściśle średniowieczna, włączyliśmy  średniowieczne repliki różnych przedmiotów i ubrań  z całego świata. Nie martw się jednak – pozwolimy Ci znaleźć je samodzielnie, zamiast psuć Ci zabawę tutaj.

Innym ważnym dodatkiem w tej aktualizacji jest  opóźnienie logowania do serwera podczas przełączania między wieloma kontami  na konsolach. Mamy nadzieję, że ta zmiana zaowocuje zdrowszą rozgrywką, ponieważ korzystanie z wielu kont na jednym serwerze podczas jednej gry będzie znacznie bardziej czasochłonne.

Eksperymentalna aktualizacja 1.21 zawiera również  zbalansowane szybkie sloty , więc teraz nie będziesz musiał tak często otwierać swojego ekwipunku.  Obrażenia od upadku również zostały zbalansowane i powinny być o wiele bardziej czytelne. Kontynuując temat czytelności, masz teraz możliwość  dostosowania jasności interfejsu użytkownika w grze . Ponadto  dostosowaliśmy oświetlenie kamery inwentaryzacyjnej . Te dwa ulepszenia powinny sprawić, że twój ekwipunek będzie o wiele przyjemniejszy do oglądania. Wprowadziliśmy również kilka poprawek dotyczących wyrzucanych przedmiotów spadających na ziemię i jesteśmy ciekawi, jak często natkniecie się na ten problem po tej aktualizacji. 

Kolejną rzeczą, którą wprowadzamy, jest  możliwość odradzania krzaków, drzew i skał za pomocą generatora obiektów   po stronie serwera  (i skryptu). Na koniec, ale z pewnością nie mniej ważne, jesteśmy na końcowym etapie testowania  dystrybucji naszego serwera z Linuksem . Zachęcamy każdego na Steamie, kto chce zagrać w eksperymentalną aktualizację 1.21, aby spróbował to zrobić na serwerze Linux, ponieważ dokładnie monitorujemy go pod kątem jakichkolwiek problemów. Jeśli jesteś zainteresowany uruchomieniem własnego serwera Linux, możesz już to zrobić w gałęzi eksperymentalnej.

PC Experimental 1.21 Update 1 – Version 1.21.156073 (Released on 20.04.2023)


  • Consider using the Steam client option to verify the integrity of the local game cache to avoid corrupted data after downloading this update.
  • Consider de-fragmenting your HDD after downloading large updates.
  • In case of problems, please check the Bohemia Interactive support F.A.Q.DayZ F.A.Q., or BattlEye F.A.Q.
  • You can help us to further improve the game by posting your feedback on the Feedback Tracker.



  • Crossbow and color variants
  • Bolts and Improvised Bolt variants
  • Sword
  • Mace
  • Chainmail
  • Chainmail Leggings
  • Chainmail Coif
  • Norse Helm
  • Chestplate
  • Medieval Boots
  • Wool Gloves with fingerless and color variants
  • Feathers
  • Game hints in the loading screen
  • Added new game hints
  • Thrown items and moving vehicles now move smoother on high refresh rate devices
  • Status icon for mild leg injuries
  • UI brightness can be adjusted in the settings
  • The character now spawns with items pre-assigned to their quickbar


  • Fixed further exploits to look through walls (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T170298 – private)
  • Fixed an exploit to glitch through walls
  • It was possible to execute a stealth kill even if there was an obstacle between the player and the target
  • Several explosions were missing their tail sounds
  • The camera would move sharply when a vehicle turns opposite to the mouse/joystick movement
  • The camera would glitch when swimming with a broken leg (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T170499)
  • The action to refill a partially filled gasoline container would appear at water sources
  • The Scout rifle reload sounds would echo (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T169535)
  • Items ruined while in a container carried in hands would float in the air
  • Fixed issues with several structures (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T160592https://feedback.bistudio.com/T168942https://feedback.bistudio.com/T169537 – private)
  • It was very difficult to reach the “Open trunk” action for the Olga 02 wreck
  • Ruining handcuffs would not free the cuffed player (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T169831)
  • Arming/disarming damaged Remote Detonation Units would reset the health of the explosive and detonator (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T169981)
  • Links between remote detonators and explosives were not persistent
  • The character could collide with items dropped from a thrown fireplace
  • Interrupting of building by another player could result in desync
  • On lowest FOV settings, the camera would zoom out instead of in when focusing the view
  • Items inside the vehicle cargo were not drying or changing their temperature (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T163152https://feedback.bistudio.com/T170216)
  • Exhaling sound was missing when exiting ADS while holding breath (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T169869)
  • The player could fall to their death when reconnecting while high on a  ladder (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T156308)
  • Infected could walk through specific base building objects
  • Fire barrels did not have accessible cargo space when attached to a truck (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T170054)
  • Aiming to attach wooden sticks to an improvised shelter could display non-functional selection arrows
  • Weight of the heat pack was irrationally high
  • It was not possible to purify water in a cauldron (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T170056)
  • It was possible to purify an empty container
  • Placing a tent inside a bigger tent could cause inventory management problems
  • Thermometer was not displaying realistic temperatures in cases of sickness
  • The character could get stuck when changing stances while dropping an item
  • Player could desync and fall through the map by going prone or being attacked by infected (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T170823https://feedback.bistudio.com/T170837https://feedback.bistudio.com/T170747https://feedback.bistudio.com/T170752https://feedback.bistudio.com/T170854)
  • Accessing ladders from crouch position could offset the character’s collision
  • PU scope reticle would glow slightly at night
  • Heat comfort was not handled properly after reconnecting on elevated positions in buildings
  • The tripwire could not be moved in the inventory in ruined state (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T170682)
  • Advanced placement did not work as intended in the small factory building (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T170826)
  • Some clothes, accessories, tools and car parts could not be shot through (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XVCXhVkur0M)
  • A damaged Battery could lose quantity when being swapped
  • A square shape was present when looking through the iron sights of the 4x ATOG optic (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T159711)
  • UI tabs were resized when changing sliders in the settings (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T170570)
  • The control when looking through binoculars and certain scopes in hands was very floaty (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T167629)
  • Desync when reconnecting near a car or entering a running car’s network bubble could result in the client showing a stalled state for the car
  • Aiming while prone would not take the terrain surface into account normally
  • The state of weapons would not be reflected properly when dropped to the ground
  • The texture for bloody hands was darker on survivor model 11
  • The action to wash hands was even available when gloves are put over the bloody hands
  • Infected could walk through rocks
  • Infected could walk through piles of wooden planks
  • The NVG headstrap could be dropped on the ground upon reconnect
  • Vehicle startup sounds were not synchronized with the animation (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T169846)
  • Freelook could only turn the camera by 90 degrees (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T160427)
  • Bird and cricket ambient sounds would cut instantly when a player shoots within 500 meters
  • Bird and cricket ambient sounds would not react to explosion sounds
  • Soft braking a vehicle with CTRL+S was not working as intended
  • The player could get stuck in the load-in queue at position 0 while being kicked off the server
  • Fixed a bug that could transform vehicles into unusual shapes
  • Fixed an issue where players with poor network connection could influence the connection of other players
  • Fixed several cases of items falling through the map when being thrown
  • Reigniting a fireplace would not increase its heat again (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T171086)


  • Reworked falling damage impact depending on height
  • Removed the BattlEye license agreement prompt in-game (PC only – https://feedback.bistudio.com/T166065 – private)
  • Tweaked sounds of doors with valve lock
  • Changed the horn sound of the M3S truck
  • Increased the audibility of explosions
  • Allowed eye gear to spawn on infected (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T162844)
  • Login timers are now also displaying in minutes and hours
  • Zoom functionality is no longer reduced during fast movement in crouch or prone
  • Applied minor visual tweaks to the Great Helm
  • Reduced the weight of the plastic explosive by 60% (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T170175)
  • Tweaked impact sounds for metallic objects depending on the targeted surface
  • Ripened horticulture plants now stay for twice as long before they start to decay
  • Increased the minimum amount of quick slots available to the player
  • Reduced the amount of additional quick slots given by certain gear
  • Interactions with a power generator now refresh the lifetime of it and all items connected to it (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T137688)
  • Removed the “Loading…” text on the login timer
  • Washing hands is now a continuous action
  • Tweaked the width of all tire tracks
  • Changed the animation for pill consumption
  • Improved the visuals of the PSO-1, PSO-1-1 and P1-87-L Scopes
  • Reduced the reflection on the glass of scopes
  • Improvised fishing rod can now be dismantled
  • Adjusted position/rotation of individual weapons when carried on the shoulder (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T165127)
  • Distant lights are much dimmer
  • Transition from close up light to distant is much smoother
  • Slightly increased the damage the Sarka 120 takes from impacts
  • The drying rate of items has been adjusted to correctly reflect item location and outside influences
  • Increased the duration of the wringing action
  • Adjusted inventory lighting to make the item previews more read-able (less over-exposed) and more in the style of UI (flatter lighting)


  • Changed: Updated the Chernogorsk football field



  • Added: Object spawner supports direct p3d spawning (Documentation)
  • Added: Server config int parameter ‘networkObjectBatchSend’ (default = 10) which is how many objects within a players network bubble are sent to be created within a server frame (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T169094) (Documentation)
  • Added: Server config int parameter ‘networkObjectBatchCompute’ (default = 1000) which is how many objects within a players network bubble are processed to check if it already exists for the player within a server frame (Documentation)
  • Added: Optional logging for raising/lowering flags at flag poles (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T170287)
  • Added: Object Spawner: “enableCEPersistency” which when set to true will make an object behave as configured by economy, otherwise it will not be saved in the server storage until a player puts it in inventory
  • Fixed: Script execution not functioning properly in certain situations depending on init.c (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T169822 – private)
  • Fixed Several inconsistencies in the admin logs (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T170195)
  • Fixed: It was not possible to spawn infected with functional head torches attached (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T162844)
  • Fixed: Items spawned before CE Init were not persistent
  • Changed: Shortcut for map toggling is not available if use3dMap option is enabled (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T170401)


  • Fixed: Offline servers (in Favorites tab) now always appear after online servers
  • Tweaked: Offline servers (in Favorites tab) are now faded to clearly indicate they are offline


  • Added: WORKBENCH define for script which should only compiled on Workbench launch
  • Added: Defines Window to set up custom Workbench validation
  • Added: “Compile Core Builds scripts” option to Build menu (CTRL+ALT+F7) to compile multiple important build setups in a row
  • Added: Flags parameter to DayZPlayerUtils::SceneGetEntitiesInBox (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T168610)
  • Added: Additional flags parameter for DayZPlayerUtils.SceneGetEntitiesInBox
  • Added: Class in CfgMods now auto generates a static (loaded before script compilation begins) script define (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T159481)
  • Added: Class in CfgMods now supports “defines[]” text array which adds static script defines
  • Added: Support for adding static script defines in gproj with ScriptDefines -> ScriptDefinesClass (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T159481)
  • Added: CGame::CreateStaticObjectUsingP3D
  • Added: ‘Serializer.CanWrite’/Serializer.CanRead’ to check if the serializer can be read or written to
  • Added: ‘IEntity.GetRenderTransform’
  • Added: Variable ‘DayZPlayerCameraResult.m_bUpdateEveryFrame’ to change camera update behaviour from fixed tick to unlocked frame rate
  • Added: Variable ‘DayZPlayerCameraResult.m_OwnerTM’ to override the transformation of the owner
  • Added: Ability to set proxy (inventory slot) offset per item in item config
  • Added: Methods for controlling brightness of UI (Widget.SetLV, Widget.SetTextLV, Widget.SetObjectLighting)
  • Added: “ignoregloballv” property flag to layout
  • Added: ‘HumanInputController.GetAimDelta’ to get the frame independent aim change
  • Added: ‘IEntity.AddChild’ can use pivot points on RV animated objects
  • Added: ‘Object.GetBonePivot(level, component)’ to retrieve the pivot index for the component in the shapes LOD
  • Added: Moved ‘GetBonePositionX’, ‘GetBoneRotationX’ and GetBoneTransformX’ to Object class, can be used on RV and Enfusion animated objects
  • Added: ‘DayZCreature.GetBoneIndexByName’
  • Added: Ability to set inventory lighting from config (top-level InventoryLighting config class)
  • Added: Exposed methods World::MarkObjectForPathgraphUpdate and World::ProcessMarkedObjectsForPathgraphUpdate
  • Added: ‘IEntity.GetHierarchyPivot’ to get the pivot point used when called with ‘IEntity.AddChild’
  • Added: CollisionInfo classes for OnProjectileStoppedInTerrain() and OnProjectileStoppedInObject(), which will fire for ALL projectiles that get stuck in objects
  • Added: InventorySlotsOffsets config class (on item/weapon), which can define position and rotation offset of an item when placed into a slot on the character
  • Fixed: Transformation synchronization for script class ‘Transport’ when the vehicle is inactive (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T153234)
  • Fixed: EntityAI which were previously reported as Object in script will now be properly reported as EntityAI (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T168610)
  • Fixed: ‘typename.GetVariableValue’ would not check inheritance
  • Fixed: Crash when calling methods on inventory owner in GameInventory.Init
  • Fixed: Crash on DayZCreatureAIInputController::GetMovementSpeed() (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T171426)
  • Changed: Moved ‘EntityAI.IsDayZCreature()’ to ‘Object’ class
  • Changed: Ignore detection of dropped items has partially been moved to script through overridable method ‘Object.CanBeIgnoredByDroppedItem’
  • Changed: ‘IEntity.AddChild’ (and ‘Human.LinkToLocalSpaceOf’) now synchronize the pivot and position only flags to clients (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T167549)
  • Removed: Obsolete sound config parameters: drySound, reloadMagazineSound, reloadSound, reloadAction, shotAction, reloadSkips, soundBullet, disarmAction, soundBegin, soundBeginExt
  • Removed: ‘Protected’ keywords from PPEMatClassParameter* Update method variables (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T171246)


  • The ability to pick up bolts after impacting is currently inconsistent
  • Some explosions sound unnatural
  • Arrows are incorrectly attached to characters or objects after getting hit
  • Loaded arrow is missing from the Crossbow after reconnecting / re-entering the network bubble
  • Cancelling the reload animation will result in the arrow to visually appear on the crossbow
  • Texts of loading screen hints are cropped in specific resolutions
  • Headtorch is misplaced on infected (we are testing a fix internally)
  • Light sources are not shining if they are not attached to an entity (impacting fireworks, we are testing a fix internally)


PC Experimental 1.21 Update 2 – Version 1.21.156117 (Released on 02.05.2023)



  • Sound indicator when dying of thirst



  • Pants did not take damage by falling from more than 5 meters
  • Updated the falling animation for medium heights
  • The red UI flash effect does not show up any more when falling from minor heights
  • Reduced the chances of pristine weapons getting jammed when chambering a bullet
  • It was possible to see under the map while driving with vehicles in 3rd person
  • Reduced the view obstruction of the great helm
  • Adjusted the view obstruction of the norse helm
  • Crossbow recoil has been adjusted
  • Bolts will now penetrate through some objects (mainly some wooden doors – depends on thickness)
  • Bolts are more likely to deflect off of hard surfaces
  • Increased the time bolts are simulated in the air
  • Hunting Bolts deal slightly more shock
  • Adjusted the sizes of several dialogue boxes to better fit their texts
  • Items will now be placed to the side of vehicles when dropped


  • Reduced spawning of medieval gear on Skalisty Island


  • Fixed: Objects could not be spawned by the Object spawner if the Central economy was disabled


  • Added: Workbench: Defines: There is now a duplication check which will prevent the same define being present multiple times

  • Added: Workbench: Defines: “Combo” defines are now visible in defines window


  • Arrows are incorrectly attached to characters or objects after getting hit
  • Loaded arrow is missing from the Crossbow after reconnecting / re-entering the network bubble
  • The ability to pick up bolts after impacting is currently inconsistent


PC Experimental 1.21 Update 3 – Version 1.21.156165 (Released on 11.05.2023)



  • Movement sounds for the chainmail top


  • The landing animation for falls from medium heights was not played correctly
  • Swapping items while loading a weapon could lead to desync
  • Digging up worms could result in desync (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T170852)
  • Bolts would not get damaged from the second use
  • Bolts were incorrectly attached to characters, when hit
  • It was not possible to directly load bolts stuck in players and AI back into the crossbow
  • Bolts would delete themselves after making contact with items with armor
  • Heated items did not cool any further once taken into inventory (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T171725)
  • Walking with the crossbow in hands in crouching was making melee sounds (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T171703)
  • It was possible to tear clothing items into rags that should not
  • It was possible to open the inventory while entering vehicles
  • Armbands were not visible in first person perspective (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T171349)
  • Fixed a minor visual remnant on the PSO-1 scope (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T171712)
  • The PSO-1 scope had the wrong colors while having a battery attached
  • Water from animal troughs was not contaminated with cholera
  • Ruined wool gloves were appearing pristine in the inventory view
  • It was possible to skin and quarter ruined chicken, resulting in unreasonably large yields
  • Fixed several instances of items clipping with the medieval boots
  • It was possible to shave a character’s face while it was covered with a mask
  • HUD brightness setting was being reset upon restart
  • Quickbar slot numbers for mouse and keyboard were barely readable with low HUD brightness settings
  • Applied some visual fixes to the chainmail coif
  • The login dialog UI was not wide enough for some languages
  • Chainmail leggings would clip with certain footwear
  • Medieval shoes would clip with certain pants
  • Fixed several animations that could be abused to look through walls
  • Items can no longer be dropped on dynamic objects
  • Kicking from prone position would not stagger players or infected (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T172024 – private)
  • RPM of cars could jump up while entering


  • Fixed: Removed headtorches definitions from “cfgspawnabletypes.xml” and “cfgrandompresets.xml”
  • Fixed: Improvised Bolts were not marked as “crafted”
  • Fixed: Humvee wheels were not marked as “vehicleparts” causing them to often spawn in sheds instead of on wrecks
  • Fixed: Chickenfeather was missing from “types.xml”
  • Tweaked: Adjusted spawning of gloves to accommodate for the new wool gloves
  • Tweaked: Adjusted medieval loot spawns to accommodate new items
  • Tweaked: Reduced amount of 7.62×54 mm and 9×39 mm ammunition spawning


  • Changed bolt crafting to a continuous action
  • Made bolts easier to be picked up
  • Tweaked positions of items on the back of players that would clip too much or appear to be hovering (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T165127)
  • Improved simulated view for car passengers
  • Increased the inventory size of the crossbow
  • Adjusted the inventory view of the crossbow



  • Added: Object.GetShapeName to get full path of shape( https://feedback.bistudio.com/T171777)
  • Added: ‘Car.SetBrakesActivateWithoutDriver’ to disable the handbrake while there is no driver inside the vehicle (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T147126)
  • Added: ‘Car.GetClutch’ to get the value of the clutch
  • Added: ‘Car.SetClutchState’ to set if the clutch is disengaged
  • Added: ‘Car.EngineRPMMin’ to get the minimum rpm constant of the car engine
  • Added: ‘Car.EngineRPMIdle’ to get the idle rpm constant of the car engine
  • Added: New config class EnvironmentWetnessIncrements for wetting and drying parameters that can be defined on any item (see Inventory_Base config class for the default settings)
  • Fixed: ClientConnectedEvent not giving the proper UID
  • Changed: CGame.CreateStaticObjectUsingP3D, EntityAI.SetObjectMaterial and EntityAI.SetObjectTexture now disallows absolute paths and support ‘$’ prefixed paths
  • Changed: Man.SetFaceTexture and Man.SetFaceMaterial now disallows absolute paths and support ‘$’ prefixed paths


  • Loading a crafted, feathered bolt transforms it into a non-feathered bolt
  • Regular jumping causes the character to grunt as if falling from a higher distance


PC Experimental 1.21 Update 4 – Version 1.21.156198 (Released on 18.05.2023)



  • Loading feathered bolt into the crossbow would transform it into non-feathered one.
  • If a wound closed itself, the bolt would not get removed automatically.
  • Thrown items were sometimes shaking and making repetitive impact noises.
  • Incorrect bolt position in some cases. (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T171743)
  • Some clothes were clipping with Chainmail.
  • Bolts can be stuck/shot inside each other and stacked that way.
  • Server error when a player reconnects with a bolt stuck into them.
  • Bolt is stuck in the air after skinning an animal.
  • Chestplate has no metallic sound when thrown at hard surface.
  • Digging for worms enables player to see through walls. (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T157876https://feedback.bistudio.com/T165940https://feedback.bistudio.com/T169841)
  • Third person camera clips through floor when walking into stairs.
  • Ruined feathers still function on craft action.
  • Crafting a bolt with a feather or a stick in any damage stage always results in pristine state.
  • Equipping a vest shot with multiple bolts, drops only one of the bolts on the ground the rest stay stuck.
  • Bolt widget appears when an item is stuck and taken to the hands.
  • Items with bolts stuck in them would drop the bolts when moved into cargo or attachment.
  • Character was making grunt noises when jumping.
  • Error when interrupting reload of a crossbow.
  • Not all items attached to other entities would synchronize to the client until the player got within the close (20m) network bubble of the root entity. (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T172397)



  • Fixed:  Fall and shock damage was logged in the admin log from small jumps.
  • Fixed:  Player can fall through some structures, spawned through the object spawner (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T172353)



  • Some mods with custom items with advanced placement could result in a client crash when item placing has started. Fix is already in testing internally. (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T172406)

Xbox Experimental 1.21 Update 1 – Version 1.21.156067 (Released on 20.04.2023)




  • Crossbow and color variants
  • Bolts and Improvised Bolt variants
  • Sword
  • Mace
  • Chainmail
  • Chainmail Leggings
  • Chainmail Coif
  • Norse Helm
  • Chestplate
  • Medieval Boots
  • Wool Gloves with fingerless and color variants
  • Feathers
  • Game hints in the loading screen
  • Added new game hints
  • Thrown items and moving vehicles now move smoother on high refresh rate devices
  • Status icon for mild leg injuries
  • UI brightness can be adjusted in the settings
  • The character now spawns with items pre-assigned to their quickbar


  • Proximity chat was not audible on Xbox when the user was in Party Chat
  • Accepting a friend invite to a server while connecting to a separate server would not cancel the ongoing connection process
  • The game profile was not updating properly when switching profiles on Xbox
  • Combining fuel in a fireplace would in some circumstances not work
  • Leaning was only possible with raised hands when using MnK
  • The controls screen had the “menu” and “inventory” buttons swapped (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T169894)
  • The Livonia DLC ownership indicator would not always update immediately after purchase on Xbox
  • The Gamertag in the Online list would sometimes display a ‘*’ instead of the actual symbol or letter being used
  • Fixed further exploits to look through walls (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T170298 – private)
  • Fixed an exploit to glitch through walls
  • It was possible to execute a stealth kill even if there was an obstacle between the player and the target
  • Several explosions were missing their tail sounds
  • The camera would move sharply when a vehicle turns opposite to the mouse/joystick movement
  • The camera would glitch when swimming with a broken leg (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T170499)
  • The action to refill a partially filled gasoline container would appear at water sources
  • The Scout rifle reload sounds would echo (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T169535)
  • Items ruined while in a container carried in hands would float in the air
  • Fixed issues with several structures (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T160592https://feedback.bistudio.com/T168942https://feedback.bistudio.com/T169537 – private)
  • It was very difficult to reach the “Open trunk” action for the Olga 02 wreck
  • Ruining handcuffs would not free the cuffed player (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T169831)
  • Arming/disarming damaged Remote Detonation Units would reset the health of the explosive and detonator (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T169981)
  • Links between remote detonators and explosives were not persistent
  • The character could collide with items dropped from a thrown fireplace
  • Interrupting of building by another player could result in desync
  • On lowest FOV settings, the camera would zoom out instead of in when focusing the view
  • Items inside the vehicle cargo were not drying or changing their temperature (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T163152https://feedback.bistudio.com/T170216)
  • Exhaling sound was missing when exiting ADS while holding breath (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T169869)
  • The player could fall to their death when reconnecting while high on a  ladder (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T156308)
  • Infected could walk through specific base building objects
  • Fire barrels did not have accessible cargo space when attached to a truck (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T170054)
  • Aiming to attach wooden sticks to an improvised shelter could display non-functional selection arrows
  • Weight of the heat pack was irrationally high
  • It was not possible to purify water in a cauldron (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T170056)
  • It was possible to purify an empty container
  • Placing a tent inside a bigger tent could cause inventory management problems
  • Thermometer was not displaying realistic temperatures in cases of sickness
  • The character could get stuck when changing stances while dropping an item
  • Player could desync and fall through the map by going prone or being attacked by infected (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T170823https://feedback.bistudio.com/T170837https://feedback.bistudio.com/T170747https://feedback.bistudio.com/T170752https://feedback.bistudio.com/T170854)
  • Accessing ladders from crouch position could offset the character’s collision
  • PU scope reticle would glow slightly at night
  • Heat comfort was not handled properly after reconnecting on elevated positions in buildings
  • The tripwire could not be moved in the inventory in ruined state (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T170682)
  • Advanced placement did not work as intended in the small factory building (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T170826)
  • Some clothes, accessories, tools and car parts could not be shot through (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XVCXhVkur0M)
  • A damaged Battery could lose quantity when being swapped
  • A square shape was present when looking through the iron sights of the 4x ATOG optic (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T159711)
  • UI tabs were resized when changing sliders in the settings (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T170570)
  • The control when looking through binoculars and certain scopes in hands was very floaty (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T167629)
  • Desync when reconnecting near a car or entering a running car’s network bubble could result in the client showing a stalled state for the car
  • Aiming while prone would not take the terrain surface into account normally
  • The state of weapons would not be reflected properly when dropped to the ground
  • The texture for bloody hands was darker on survivor model 11
  • The action to wash hands was even available when gloves are put over the bloody hands
  • Infected could walk through rocks
  • Infected could walk through piles of wooden planks
  • The NVG headstrap could be dropped on the ground upon reconnect
  • Vehicle startup sounds were not synchronized with the animation (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T169846)
  • Freelook could only turn the camera by 90 degrees (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T160427)
  • Bird and cricket ambient sounds would cut instantly when a player shoots within 500 meters
  • Bird and cricket ambient sounds would not react to explosion sounds
  • The player could get stuck in the load-in queue at position 0 while being kicked off the server
  • Fixed a bug that could transform vehicles into unusual shapes
  • Fixed an issue where players with poor network connection could influence the connection of other players
  • Fixed several cases of items falling through the map when being thrown
  • Reigniting a fireplace would not increase its heat again (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T171086)


  • Login timer will be prolonged upon immediate account or device switch, with escalating time on repeated attempts
  • Assigned scope zoom to Right on the D-Pad on the new control scheme
  • Reworked falling damage impact depending on height
  • Tweaked sounds of doors with valve lock
  • Changed the horn sound of the M3S truck
  • Increased the audibility of explosions
  • Allowed eye gear to spawn on infected (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T162844)
  • Login timers are now also displaying in minutes and hours
  • Zoom functionality is no longer reduced during fast movement in crouch or prone
  • Applied minor visual tweaks to the Great Helm
  • Reduced the weight of the plastic explosive by 60% (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T170175)
  • Tweaked impact sounds for metallic objects depending on the targeted surface
  • Ripened horticulture plants now stay for twice as long before they start to decay
  • Increased the minimum amount of quick slots available to the player
  • Reduced the amount of additional quick slots given by certain gear
  • Interactions with a power generator now refresh the lifetime of it and all items connected to it (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T137688)
  • Removed the “Loading…” text on the login timer
  • Washing hands is now a continuous action
  • Tweaked the width of all tire tracks
  • Changed the animation for pill consumption
  • Improved the visuals of the PSO-1, PSO-1-1 and P1-87-L Scopes
  • Reduced the reflection on the glass of scopes
  • Improvised fishing rod can now be dismantled
  • Adjusted position/rotation of individual weapons when carried on the shoulder (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T165127)
  • Distant lights are much dimmer
  • Transition from close up light to distant is much smoother
  • Slightly increased the damage the Sarka 120 takes from impacts
  • The drying rate of items has been adjusted to correctly reflect item location and outside influences
  • Increased the duration of the wringing action
  • Adjusted inventory lighting to make the item previews more read-able (less over-exposed) and more in the style of UI (flatter lighting)


  • Changed: Updated the Chernogorsk football field



  • Added: Server config parameter ‘disableMultiAccountMitigation’ (default = false) to disable login timer increases upon account or device switch on the server (Documentation)
  • Added: Xbox whitelist now supports hashed ID and not just gamertag
  • Added: Object spawner supports direct p3d spawning (Documentation)
  • Added: Server config int parameter ‘networkObjectBatchSend’ (default = 10) which is how many objects within a players network bubble are sent to be created within a server frame (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T169094) (Documentation)
  • Added: Server config int parameter ‘networkObjectBatchCompute’ (default = 1000) which is how many objects within a players network bubble are processed to check if it already exists for the player within a server frame (Documentation)
  • Added: Optional logging for raising/lowering flags at flag poles (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T170287)
  • Added: Object Spawner: “enableCEPersistency” which when set to true will make an object behave as configured by economy, otherwise it will not be saved in the server storage until a player puts it in inventory
  • Fixed: Script execution not functioning properly in certain situations depending on init.c (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T169822 – private)
  • Fixed Several inconsistencies in the admin logs (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T170195)
  • Fixed: It was not possible to spawn infected with functional head torches attached (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T162844)
  • Fixed: Items spawned before CE Init were not persistent
  • Changed: Shortcut for map toggling is not available if use3dMap option is enabled (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T170401)


  • The ability to pick up bolts after impacting is currently inconsistent
  • Some explosions sound unnatural
  • Arrows are incorrectly attached to characters or objects after getting hit
  • Loaded arrow is missing from the Crossbow after reconnecting / re-entering the network bubble
  • Cancelling the reload animation will result in the arrow to visually appear on the crossbow
  • Texts of loading screen hints are cropped in specific resolutions
  • Headtorch is misplaced on infected (we are testing a fix internally)
  • Light sources are not shining if they are not attached to an entity (impacting fireworks, we are testing a fix internally)


Xbox Experimental 1.21 Update 2 – Version 1.21.156117 (Released on 02.05.2023)



  • Sound indicator when dying of thirst



  • Pants did not take damage by falling from more than 5 meters
  • Updated the falling animation for medium heights
  • The red UI flash effect does not show up any more when falling from minor heights
  • Reduced the chances of pristine weapons getting jammed when chambering a bullet
  • It was possible to see under the map while driving with vehicles in 3rd person
  • Reduced the view obstruction of the great helm
  • Adjusted the view obstruction of the norse helm
  • Crossbow recoil has been adjusted
  • Bolts will now penetrate through some objects (mainly some wooden doors – depends on thickness)
  • Bolts are more likely to deflect off of hard surfaces
  • Increased the time bolts are simulated in the air
  • Hunting Bolts deal slightly more shock
  • Adjusted the sizes of several dialogue boxes to better fit their texts


  • Reduced spawning of medieval gear on Skalisty Island


  • Arrows are incorrectly attached to characters or objects after getting hit
  • Loaded arrow is missing from the Crossbow after reconnecting / re-entering the network bubble